Our Story

Founded in 2004 by Leonidas Gavancho and his wife Eunice, The Sunflower Orphanage is located in the small village of Huayllabamba, in the heart of Sacred Valley between Cusco  and Machu Picchu, Peru. It is still cared for and managed today by Leo and Eunice along with their daughter, Marilyn, and her husband Allen.

While working on the police force, Leo would see many children needing to be taken in by the government to be cared for and protected. Leo ran a small local children’s care facility that was owned by the Peruvian government. During this time he saw that there was a great need for helping children that were abandoned or who had lost their parents to terrorism, starvation, illness and the like. Leo would also see small children in very poor, distant villages walking many miles to and from school each day. He was moved by their efforts to continue pursuing an education. Having grown up very poor and in a similar circumstance, Leo had much empathy for these children.

Leo hoped for many years that one day he would be able to do something more, but the attention and care of his wife and four children was his first priority. He wondered if he would ever be able to accomplish his dream. Shortly after Leo’s wife was diagnosed with breast cancer, he made a promise to God that if his wife would get better he would do everything in his power to help and serve others, particularly the little children in need.

As Leo’s wife started recovering and doing better he was determined to keep his promise. He worked hard to serve little children and soon started a small orphanage in his own second home in the Sacred Valley. His Father, Guillermo Gavancho, recognized his efforts and donated a parcel of farming where the orphanage could be built. Leo and Eunice, with the help of many wonderful and generous people, including family and friends, the beautiful Sunflower Orphanage was created. Leo and Eunice are in great health and enjoy visiting the orphanage frequently to assist in the care of the children living there.


Nephew of Leo

The Sunflower Home

The Sacred Valley

Our Mission

The Sunflower Orphanage was created for the sole purpose of serving and helping children. Our goal is to make the children feel they have a family that loves and cares for them. We look to help each child reach their maximum potential and live happy, healthy and productive lives.

Group Drone Shot

Walking to the Market

The Classroom

Our Focus

Security and Safety

Many of our Children are saved from homelessness or abusive and hostile home situations. We provide safety and security to protect them from abusive family members, predators, slavery and trafficking.

Food and Health

Whether a child is homeless or in a family too poor to provide for them, we take them. Nutritious meals are provided daily and an on-site clinic makes it possible for our children to receive regular physical and dental checkups.

Skills and Work

We provide training and teaching so that children are prepared to find work when they enter society as an adult. We believe it is imperative that children are taught the satisfaction that comes from hard work.


Our Founder, Leo Gavancho, has personally received two master degrees in education. All of our children are expected to attend school every day. We also provided additionally tutoring and support for those children who may need the extra help. Through your donations, we will soon be able to build an onsite computer lab to improve our teaching capabilities.


Every child needs to feel loved and supported. Sadly, many of our children enter Sunflower orphanage feeling abandoned and unwanted. We provide an atmosphere where children can connect, play, laugh and know that they are loved by our Sunflower family.


We are currently working with organizations who rescue children from Sex trafficking and slavery. It is heartbreaking to learn of the prevalence of child slavery and sex trafficking in Peru and the rest of the world. Our hope is to make the Sunflower Orphanage a safe haven for children who are saved from these dire situations.

Help Us Reach Our Goal

We have room to help 70 children, but currently can only care for 10. Every dollar you donate helps us provide food and shelter for one more child.

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